Weekend Wild Shopping

[Event Name]: Weekend Shopping

[Event Time]: August 4th - August 5th ,2012

[Event Content]: Still seeking your own dressing style? This is your chance to do some wild shopping!

[Event Rules]: During the event, buy items in the Shop(including quick buy) will have an extra reward according to how many coins you spend. (Consumption in Auction is not qualified.)

[Event Rewards]:

Consume 1000-2999 coins will get: All living creature x1

Consume 3000-4999 coins will get: Energy Stone Lv3 x1, Exp Pill Lv3 x1 

Consume 5000-9999 coins will get: Energy Stone Lv3 x2, Exp Pill Lv4 x1

Consume 10000-29999 coins will get: Energy Stone Lv4 x1, First Love Feeling x1

Consume 30000-49999 coins will get: Energy Stone Lv4 x4, Birthday Blessing x1

Consume 50000-99999 coins will get: Energy Stone Lv4 x6, If You Are The One x1

Consume 100000 and more coins will get: Energy Stone Lv4 x14, Bomb Man x1, Purple Peach Heart x1 (7days, new glasses)

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DDTank Operation Team

August 3rd ,2012