Happy Second Weekend of August

[Event Name]: Happy Battle-Triple Exp

[Time]: Aug.10 - Aug.12  18:00-24:00 GMT-5

[Description]:Everybody wants to get stronger and level up faster! Here's something to help you!

[Rules]:During this event we will provide Triple Exp for everyone, this is a great opportunity for you to grow stronger! Have fun and enjoy our special gift!


Triple Exp (Note: Exp Card is still available, which means you can enjoy 5x Exp!)


[Event Name]:Junior Drill on Sale

[Time]:Aug.10 - Aug.12 GMT-5

[Description]:Wanna be more stronger? Come to get Junior Drills!

[Rules]: Just enter Shop, find it in Hot page.

[Rewards]:Junior Drill on Sale


[Event Name]: Purchase drill juniors to win bonus

[Time]: August 10th - August 12th ,2012, GMT-5

[Description]: Stop worrying about not having enough drill juniors,junior drills will be available on shop for the weekends,go get it now!

[Rules]: For every 10 junior drills purchased,a mysterious card box will be awarded(gives an unbound card,including weapon cards),the more you buy the more you get

[Rewards]:Mysterious Card Box


[Event Name]: Exploring new 72 Changes!

[Time]: August 10th - August 12th ,2012 GMT-5

[Description]: Do you want to transform to something rare and amazing and shine? Now you have a chance to the spotlight! DDTank will host a fantastic transforming event !

[Rules]: During Sports Fights, you have random access to transforming abilities. Players who are successful will receive a prize!


Random Card Box x1,Exp pillx1



DDTank Operation Team

August 10th ,2012