The Scroll Book

Event Name: The Scroll Book

Event Time: May 10th - May 22nd

Event Range:for all the servers

Event Content: The Scroll Book contains secrets to help you be a Shooting Master. Sohnlein stands vigilant as a guard to this mystic artifact. You must defeat him in order to obtain it!

Event Rules:Kill Sohnlein in Evil Tribe (Normal Mode) to complete this task. Task can be completed once/day.

Event Rewards:3000 Exp, 1000 Gold, Scroll Book x1.

By applying the Scroll Book, you receive one of the following items: Syn Stone Lv4 x1, Bracelet +1 x1(7 days, bound), Romance Ring(7 days, unbound)x1, Romance Ring+1(7 days, bound) x1, Romance +2(7 days, bound) x1


DDTank Operating Group

May 9th , 2011