Thanksgiving is coming


1. Food Fight - Thanksgiving is coming

Event Name: Food Fight - Thanksgiving is coming

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: Thanksgiving day is coming so it is time to do something! You know it is not an easy thing to prepare thanksgiving foods.

Event Rules: During the event, win 5 sports fights to complete the task.

Complete condition: win 5 sports fights

Rewards: 2000EXP, 300Voucher


2. Food Fight - Corn Stuff

Event Name: Food Fight - Corn Stuff

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: It needs high quality corn to make corn stuff, but all the corns are taken to ant cave. What should we do ? 

Event Rules: During the event, defeat 10 Ant Guards in Nomal Mode to complete the task .

Complete condition: Defeat 10 Ant Guards in Normal Mode

Rewards: 2000EXP, 1000Gold


3. Food Fight - Pumpkin Stuff

Event Name: Food Fight - Pumpkin Stuff

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: Gulu Kindom grows a very miraculous pumpkin, which is said can make delicious pumpkin pie!

Event Rules: During the event, defeat Leonardo in Normal Mode to complete the task personally.

Complete condition: Defeat Leonardo in Normal Mode

Rewards: 3000EXP, 1500Gold, Medalx2, "Pumpkin Pie"x1


4. Food Fight - Sour Fruit Jam

Event Name: Food Fight - Sour Fruit Jam

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: There are many little wild fruits among vines in fiend forest, which are the fittest fruits

to make sour fruit jam.

Event Rules: During the event, defeat Sohnlein in Nomal Mode to complete the task.

Complete condition: Defeat Sohnlein in Nomal Mode personally.

Rewards: 3500EXP, 2000Gold, Medalx2, "Sour Fruit Jam"x1


5. Food Fight - Sweet Potato

Event Name: Food Fight - Sweet Potato

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: It is so amazing that Shadow Castle land can grow sweet potato! 

Event Rules: During the event, defeat Minotaur North in Nomal Mode to complete the task. 

Complete condition: Defeat Minotaur North in Nomal Mode personally.

Rewards: 3500 EXP, 2000Gold, Medalx1, "Sweet Potato"x1


6. Food Fight - Roast Turkey

Event Name: Food Fight - Roast Turkey

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: Well, here lacks everything except turkey, but it needs coop to catch turkey.  

Event Rules: During the event, defeat Tribe Warrior to have the chance of getting "Coop". Collect 5 "Coops"

and defeat Barok in Difficult Mode to complete the task. 

Complete condition: Collect 5 "Coops". Defeat Barok in Difficult Mode personally .

Rewards: 4000EXP, 1000Gold, Medalx2, "Roast Turkey"x1


7. Food Fight - Thanksgiving Banquet

Event Name: Food Fight - Thanksgiving Banquet

Event Duration: Nov 19th-Dec 3rd

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: Come on! Thanksgiving Banquet begins!  

Event Rules: During the event, collect all kinds of cate to complete the task. 

Complete condition: 

Collect 1 "Pumpkin Pie".                                        

Collect 1 "Sour Fruit Jam".                                           

Collect 1 "Sweet Potato".                                       

Collect 1 "Roast Turkey".

Rewards: 8000 EXP, 1000Voucher, "Banquet Gift Box"x1(Open to receive one of these: Medal Lv2-5,

Synth Stone Lv4-5, Energy Stone Lv4-5, EXP Pill Lv2-4).



8. Thanksgiving Day Gift

Event Name: Thanksgiving Day Gift

Event Duration: Nov 24th - Nov 30th 

Event Participation: All servers

Event Content: Thanks for your company with grateful heart!DDTank also prepares a small gift for you

in this special day!    

Event Rules: During the event, you can get rewards if login game!  

Complete condition: Login Game 

Rewards: "Turkey Love"x1(Open to receive EXP Pill of random level. Good Luck~)


DDTank Operating Group

November 18th ,2011