Angel Jar-Lucky Color Stone Arrives

[Event Name]: Angel Jar-Lucky Color Stone

[Event Time]: December 21st , 2011 to December 28th ,2011

[Event Content]:

During the event, open Angel Jar to have the chance of getting lucky color stone. Lucky color stone is recorded in “My lucky color stone” in time, which will not appear in backpack.


The top 10 DDTankers will be shown in the Lucky Ranking. The rank updates automatically. Rewards will be sent according to the latest ranking.(If two players have the same amount of color stones, the order will be arranged in order of time).


[Event Rewards]:

After the event, a list of Lucky Color Stone Rewards redeem list will pop up for you to check the top 10 winners and rewards. Rewards will be sent via mail to all winners. Lucky color stone will vanish after the event.

1. Player who ranks first will receive the artifact-- Janelle.

2,“Player who rank 2-10 will receive Eternity Ring+5 , Romance Ring+5, Venus Bracelet+5:

Eternity Ring +5   Romance Ring +5   Venus Bracelet+5

No.2 and No.3 will receive Eternity Ring+5, 50 attribute points;

No.4 -No.7 will receive Romance Ring+5, 50 attribute points;

No.8-No.10 will receive Venus Bracelet+5, 50 attribute points.


3. Other winners will receive EXP Pill automatically according to their the number of lucky color stones.


⑴. 1 Lucky Color Stone exchanges for 1 EXP Bag

⑵. 2 Lucky Color Stone exchanges for 1 level 1 EXP Pill

⑶. 4 Lucky Color Stone exchanges for 1 level 2 EXP Pill

⑷. 8 Lucky Color Stone exchanges for 1 level 3 EXP Pill



1. Artifacts and rings of the top 10 players are valid for 23 days. They can not be operated in forge shop and will disappear after the expiration date.

If you want to own the artifacts for a long time, you need to attend the lucky color stone event continuously.