30% off for Breakups: Time to Say Goodbye!

[Event Name]: 30% off for Breakups: Time to Say Goodbye!

[Event Time]:Feb 8th - Feb 13th (It starts after the routine maintenance)

[Event Content]:Marriage has always been a complicated thing, that people have to take the responsibility while enjoy the sweetness of love. On DDTank, getting married has become easier than ever, therefore some couple might have got married without thoroughly consideration and the readiness for being married.

[Event Rules]:

Now we are giving all unhappily married couple a chance to reevaluate their marriage by providing a 30% off discount on the divorce fee. It’s your time to embrace the freedom (or just to get another ring sometime, maybe)!

Former Divorce Fee: 5214coins.

Now it only needs: 3650coins

DDTank Operating Group

Feb 7th , 2012