Valentine`s Day Wedding Discount

[Event Name]: Valentine's Day Wedding Discount

[Event Time]: Feb 8th -Feb 15th (It starts after the routine maintenance)

[Event Content]: Valentine's Day is coming,and to celebrate this meaningful day, DDTank kingdom is going to reduce the cost of getting married

[Event Rules]:

1) Engagement ring original price : 999 coins,during the event,888 coins

2) The cost of holding a wedding will be discounted by 20%:

A: 2 hour wedding costing 2000 coins will be 1600 during the event

B: 3 hour wedding costing 2700 coins will be 2160 during the event

C: 4 hour wedding costing 3400 coins will be 2720 during the event




DDTank Operating Group

Feb 7th ,2012