Great Synthesis on Romantic February

[Event Name]: Let's upgrade our equipment and move to a higher level

[Event Time]: Feb 18th - Feb 19th

[Event Rules]:

During the event,If you successfully synthesize an equipment with a lvl4 synthesize stone, you will gain : Energy stone lvl3 *1

If you successfully synthesize an equipment with a lvl5 synthesize stone, you will gain: Energy stone lvl3 *2 and Amulet 25%*1


1, Prizes can be accumulated,multiple successes will earn multiple rewards.Example:during the event,if you successfully synthesized 2 lv5 syn stone into the equip,you will gain energy stone lvl3*4 Amulet 25%*2.

2,prizes will be sent after each successful synthesize.

DDTank Operating Group

Feb 17th ,2012