Charge with Romantic Mood

[Event Name]: Charge with Romantic Mood

[Event Time]: Feb 18th - Feb 19th

[Event Content]: Romance never ends, February is full of romance. Charge with Romantic mood, send more gift to the one you love. More rewards are waiting for you.

[Event Rules]:

1. 3000coins≤X<6000coins, you will get: Energy Stone lv4 *1, Romance Ring *1(15days Bound), Defense Pearl lv1-lv3 *1.

2. 6000≤X<9000coins,you will get: Energy Stone lv4*2, Romance Ring+*2(15days, Bound), Attack Pearl lv1-Lv3 *1.

3. 9000coins≤X<12000coins, you will get: Energy Stone lv4*3, Romance Ring+1*1(15 days, bound), Atrribute Pearl Lv3 *1

4. X≥12000coins, you will get: Energy Stone lvl 5*1, Venus Bracelet *1(Bound,15days), Lovebirds*1(15days,bound)


All rewards will be sent in 3 days.

DDTank Operating Group

Feb 17th ,2012