Spring awakening Top up

[Event Name]:Spring awakening Top up

[Event Time]: March 17th - March 18th ,2012

[Event Content]:Spring is coming, top up to celebrate the coming of warm spring.Plentiful rewards await!

[Event Rewards]:

During the Event,top up once:

1) 6000coins≤X<9000coins will get:

Energy Stone lv4 *1, ,Defense Pearl lv1-lv3 *1,

Fortune Chips *2 

2) 9000≤X<12000coins will get:

Energy Stone lv4*2, ,Attack Pearl lv1-Lv3 *1,Fortune Chips *4.

3) 12000coins≤X<15000coins will get:

Energy Stone lv4*3, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *1, Fortune Chips *6.

4) X≥15000coins will get:

Energy Stone lv 5*1, Fortune Chips *8, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *2,

Mardi Gras Suit*1 (15 days, bound)

DDTank Operating Group

March 16th ,2012