Fortification Bonus

[Event Name]: Fortification Bonus

[Event Time]: April 20th - April 21st (GMT-5)

[Event Content]: DD Tankers, get ready to go!

[Event Rules]: It's time to get ready for the early summer. For a limited time, when Players fortify their gear to +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, or +12, they will receive special bonus.

[Event Rewards]:

Bonus Rewards Include:

+7 Fortification: Receive Junior Drills (x6)

+8 Fortification: Receive Junior Drills (x12),Divine Amulet (x1), 25% Amulet (x1)

+9 Fortification: Receive Junior Drills (x18),Divine Amulet (x2), 25% Amulet (x2)

+10 Fortification: Receive Junior Drills (x24),Divine Amulet (x3), 25% Amulet (x3)

+11 Fortification: Junior Drills (x30), Lv.5 Energy Stone (x1), Lv.3 Attribute Pearl (x1)

+12 Fortification: Junior Drills (x36), Lv.5 Energy Stone (x2), Lv.3 Attribute Pearl (x1)

Note:All rewards are bound.

DDTank Operating Group

April 20th ,2012