Return to Arms

[Event Name]: Return to Arms

[Event Time]: May 9th - the day that Versin 3.2 released

[Event Content]: Version 3.2 is going to be released in June. DDtank Kingdom is sincerely inviting those warriors to come back, pick up weapons again with former friends in Version 3.2

[Event Rules]: During this event, players who are Lv.5 or higher and haven't logged in for 30 days or longer, will receive a very special rewards package upon logging in!

[Event Rewards]:

1. Double EXP Card (7-Day, x1)

2. Double Glory Card (7-Day, x1)

3. Lv.5 Exp Pill *1

4. Lv4 Energy Stone*10

5. 5000 Vouchers, 50000 Gold



All Rewards are bound.


DDTank Operating Group

May 9th ,2012