Happy Children`s Day

[Event Name]: Happy children's Day

[Event Time]: Jun 1, 2012- Jun 3, 2012 GMT-5

[Event Content]: To Celebrate the International Children's Day, The DDTank King have prepared gifts for everyone! What's more, you will get double experience and glory to make you level up quicker than usual. So enjoy this special festival on DDTank!

[Event Rewards]:

1) 10000 Golds, VIP Card *1 (3 days), Phoenix, Serpent, Dragon, Tiger Sync Stone lvl3*1
(Go to Event&Rewards to claim the rewards)

2) Double Exp, Jun 1st - Jun 3rd, GMT-5

3) Double Glories,  20:00 - 23:00 of Jun 1st - Jun 3rd ( GMT-5)



1.      The claim function will only work for 3 days, so get it while you can.

2.      All rewards are bound.