Metallurgy Bonus

[Event Name]: Metallurgy Bonus

[Time]:July 6 - July 8, 2012 GMT-5

[Content]: Do you have excess rings and bracelets? Well it's time to make good use of them and get good rewards at the same time!

[Rules]: During the event, players who smelt +2,+3,+4,+5 rings or bracelets, will get cool rewards. The more you make, the more you can get.


1.Each +2 ring or bracelet: Exp Pill Lv2 *1

2.Each +3 ring or bracelet: Romance Ring(15 Days)*1, Exp Pill Lv3 *1

3.Each +4 ring or bracelet: Romance Ring +1 (15 Days) *1, Exp Pill Lv4 *1

4.Each +5 ring or bracelet: Romance Ring +2 (15 Days) *1,Exp Pill Lv5 *1


Note: Rewards will be distributed by mail after the Metallurgy. All reward items are Bound.

DDTank Operation Team

July 6, 2012