Fortification Frenzy

[Event Name]: Fortification Frenzy

[Time]: July 11th  21:00 - July 18th , 19:00, 2012

[Content]: For the first time, fortification success rate is being raised. What are you waiting for? Hurry and fortify your equipment!

[Rules]: During the event, the success rate of fortification will be raised by 30%. Meanwhile, the shop will offer a superb deal for energy stones.


During the event, players who successfully fortify an equipment up to +7,+8,+9, +10, +11, +12 will get cool rewards.


1. Fortification success rate raised by 30%;

2. Super Value energy stone pack for sale.

The most popular webgame portal---Game321 webgame platform

3. Fortification rewards:


1). Level 7: All synthesis stone Lv3 *1, Amulet 25% *1

2). Level 8: All synthesis stone Lv3 *2, Divine Amulet *1

3). Level 9: Junior Drills *10, Divine Amulet *2, Amulet 25% *2

4). Level 10: Junior Drills *20, Divine Amulet *3, Amulet 25% *3

5). Level 11: Junior Drills *30, Energy Stone Lv5 *1, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *1

6). Level 12: Junior Drills *40, Energy Stone Lv5 *2, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *1

DDTank Operation Team

July 11th ,2012