Angelic Arm +12 Exchange

[Event Name]: Angelic Arm +12 Exchange

[Time]:  July 21st ,2012, 14:00 - 24:00

[Description]: Let the ☆Angelic Arm shines upon DDTank land! Let's fortify the new AA~

[Rules]: During the event, you can exchange your +12 Angelic Arm for a ☆Angelic Arm

First: Select Sign-in

Second: Find this event

Third: Select +12 Angelic Arm

After putting it into the box, click claim to receive a ☆Angelic Arm.


☆Angelic Arm  x1



1.After exchange, player's +12 Angelic Arm will disappear.               

2.After exchange, the ☆Angelic Arm will be bound, and will expire in 15 days .      

3.The ☆Angelic Arm will be at +0, and can be fortified and renewed.



Game321-DDTank Operation Team

July 20th ,2012