Weekend Wild Fortify

[Event Name]: Weekend Wild Fortify

[Event Time]: August 4th - August 5th ,2012

[Event Content]: Ready to claim a spot in the Hall of Fame?

The opportunity is here for every player!

[Event Rules]:During the event, players who successfully fortify an equipment up to +7,+8,+9, +10, +11, +12 will get cool rewards.

[Event Rewards]:

1. Level 7: All synthesis stone Lv3 *1, Amulet 25% *1

2. Level 8: All synthesis stone Lv3 *2, Divine Amulet *1

3. Level 9: Romance Ring(7days) *1,Divine Amulet *2,  Amulet 25% *2

4. Level 10: Romance Ring(7days) *2,Divine Amulet *3,  Amulet 25% *3

5. Level 11: Romance Ring +1(7days) *1, Energy Stone Lv5 *1, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *1

6. Level 12: Romance Ring +2(7days) *1, Energy Stone Lv5 *2, Attribute Pearl Lv3 *1

DDTank Operation Team

August 3rd ,2012