First Happy Weekend of August

[Event Name]: Mas - App Expedition

[Event Time]: August 3rd - August 5th ,2012

[Event Content]: This feels like summer camp for Master and Apprentices! Players who complete Mas-App Try 1 - 4 will gain some cool rewards.

[Event Rules]:The first 500 players who complete one of Mas-App Try will win rewards.

Each scene will gain you only one reward during the event.

[Event Rewards]: Random Card box x1, Energy Stone LV3 x1, Exp Pill Lv3 x1.


[Event Name]:Slay pirates and grab the treasure!

[Event Time]: August 4th - August 5th ,2012

[Event Content]:The pirates are randomly showing up in Sports Fights. Kill the pirates and take the treasure!

[Event Rules]:Kill the pirates and obtain Treasure Chests!

[Event Rewards]:

Open the treasure chest to get one of these awards: Lv5 Energy Stonex1, Romance Ringx1, Venus Braceletx1, happiness ringx1,

Lv4 Syn Stonex1, Lv3 Syn Stonex1, Gold...

DDTank Operation Group

August 3rd ,2012