Top Up Event - ☆ Ares`Guard is Coming

Event Name:Top Up Event - ☆ Ares' Guard is coming

Event Duration:11.17-11.18

Event Participation:All servers

Event Content:Top Up today and get the glorious ☆ Ares' Guard! Gulu Kingdom's national treasure is coming again! Anyone who has seen it knows that it can not only bring people glory, but also the power of long live. This event will not be long, hurry up!!

Event Rules:

During the event, players single top up to win great rewards, including Romance Ring, Happiness Ring and ☆ Ares' Guard.


(1)Top up 2000 – 5999 Coins and get: Energy Stone Lv 3 x3, Exp Pill Lv 3 x1

(2)Top up 6000 – 9999 Coins and get: Energy Stone Lv 3 x5, Exp Pill Lv 3 x2, Romance Ring x1(7days bound)

(3)Top up 10000 – 14999 Coins and get: Energy Stone Lv 4 x3, Exp Pill Lv 4 x2, Romance Ring x3(7days bound)

(4)Top up 15000– above will get: Energy Stone Lv 4 x5, Exp Pill Lv 5 x2, Happiness Ring x2(7days bound)


Accumulated Rewards:

(1)Top up a total of 15,000 Coins will get: Nugget Card Box, Basket Card Box, Medical Kit Card Box, Plunger Card Box, TV Set Card Box

(2)Top up a total of 30,000 Coins will get: T*Daily Progress(15days bound)

(3)Top up a total of 50,000 Coins will get: ☆ Ares' Guard(15days bound, Health improve:58%)

(4)Top up a total of 100,000 Coins will get the glorious prize: ☆ Boomerang(15days bound)



1.Single top up rewards are sent automaticly by system.

2.All items are bound.

3.Accumulative rewards can be claimed only once.


DDTank Operating Group

Nov. 16th ,2012