Let’s Have a Snowball Fight!

Event Name: Let’s Have a Snowball Fight!
Event Time: Dec 3, 2010 ~ Dec 28, 2010
Event Content: Enjoy all the fun of a snowball fight with or without snow!
Event Rules: During the event, you can complete the quest and receive a ‘Snowball Fight Master Pack’ by beating down eight players. The quest can be taken twice a day.  
Event Rewards: 5000Exp, 50Glory, 10Wealth, ‘Snowball Fight Master Pack’x1.                               
‘Snowball Fight Master Pack’ contains one of the following items:
a rare outfit Pudding(3days)x1, a rare outfit Shasha(3 days)x1, Energy Stone Lv3x1, Energy Stone Lv4x1, Medalx2, Lv3 Syn Stone x1, Lv3 Exp Pill.            


DDTank Operating Group
December 2nd, 2010