Crazy Shopping Holiday

Event Name:Dec 25, 2010 ~ Dec 31, 2010

Event Time:Shopping festival is coming! Shopping lovers and all price-conscious players are welcomed. Please follow our announcement.

Event Content: During the event, spend 5000 coins cumulatively can receive Romance Ring (7 days, not bound) x1. Cumulated consumption ranking will be calculated at the end of the event and eligible players will receive extra bonus prize! 

Event Rules:

Total consumption reaches 5000 coins can receive Romance Ring (7 days, not bound) x1.

Extra bonuses for player with the most consumption of coins are: Mystic Weapon Chest (contains a random E weapon for 30days) x1, Energy Stone Lv4x5.            

Extra bonuses for player with the second most consumption of coins are: Mystic Weapon Chest (contains a random E weapon for 30days) x1, Energy Stone Lv4x3.      

Extra bonuses for player with the third most consumption of coins are: Mystic Weapon Chest (contains a random E weapon for 30days) x1, Energy Stone Lv4x1.      

Extra bonuses for the fourth and fifth players with the most consumption of coins are: Energy Stone Lv4x3.                                                            

Please note:

1. Rewards will be sent in 3-5 working days after the event;         

2. All rewards are binding;                                                           

3. If the cumulated consumption of coins is the multiple of 5000, then you can receive rewards with corresponding ratio, for example: spend 15000 coins can receive Romance Ring (7 days, not bound), but 14999 coins can only receive Romance Ring (7 days, not bound) x2.                                                        

4. Cumulated consumption ranking reward does not apply.

Chrismas Carnival Event Link:

New Version Cthulhu Link:

DDTank Operating Group

December 17th, 2010