Find the Seeds of Happiness

Event Name:Find the Seeds of Happiness

Event Time:Feb 3 - Feb 20

Event Range:for all the servers

Event Content:The Shavels and happiness Seeds are being hidden in Gulu Kingdom. We need to you find them there so that we are able to reap happiness one day.

Event Rules: Kill Gulu and you will receive Seed and kill Puppet Bomb and you will receive Shavel. Collect 5 Seeds and 1 Shavel then the task is completed and you will receive Gold, Exp, Glory and a Happiness Pack.

Event Rewards:Collect 5 Seeds and 1 Shavel then the task is completed and you will receive 1000 Gold, 2000 Exp, Medal x2 and a Happiness Pack.


Apply the Happiness Pack and you will receive one of the following prizes: Color Card x1, Double Glory(1 day) x1, Syn Stone Lv4 x1, Energy Stone Lv3 x1, Romance Ring(7 days, bound) x1, Romance Ring+1(7 days, bound) x2, Romance Ring+2(7 days, bound) x3



DDTank Operating Group

                                                                January 29th, 2011