Delicious Chinese Pork Dumplings

Event Name: Delicious Chinese Pork Dumplings

Event Time: Feb 10- Feb 16

Event Range: for all the servers

Event Content: Try it out, the Chinese Pork Dumplings. It's is said it's breathtakingly yummy.

Event Rules: You will receive a Chinese Pork Dumpling every time you log in but you have to be level 10 or above first. Take the dumpling apart and you will be surprised.

Event Rewards: Apply the Chinese Pork Dumpling and you will receive one of the following prizes: 100 vouchers, 200 vouchers, 500 vouchers, 1000 Gold, 2000 Gold, 5000 Gold, 10000 Gold, Exp Pill Lv2 x1, Exp Pill Lv3 x1

DDTank Operating Group

February 9th, 2011